Sunday, June 26, 2011

New to this World

I am in unfamiliar territory. Yes, I have strong knowledge of technology and unfortunately can consider myself part of this generation of technologically dependent individuals.  My MacBook sits in my lap like a lightweight yet incredibly intelligent white cat that holds my constant attention, my iPhone has become permanently affixed to my right hand, and I honestly search for a calculator when I have to do challenging equations like 56+89. I type as fast as I think and I find myself staying up later each looking up useless information on Wikipedia that (dammit!) has interesting but again useless links on each page.

I get all that technology crap, but this blogging thing is something entirely new to me. Sure I've read a few accidentally and wondered why someone would actually do it, and now I finally join the ranks. I guess I'm tired of only ranting to myself or the nearest lamp post. Now I must post my thoughts publicly where everyone (or quite possible no one) will see them. Even if only the Google Overlords ever read this, I can't say I didn't put it out there.

Now on to what may be my topic I suppose? Here's the thing, I love food, but didn't want to make this another food blog, I love travel and wine and music and movies and all the same shit that everyone else likes. I have a sarcastic and cynical style which also has been covered. The more research I did into this "blogging" thing the more I felt like that episode of South Park where that kid kept shouting "Simpsons did it!" at Butters.

Alas, it's all been done before. But I do not despair. I have decided that I do not seek to get followers or even be all that interesting. I am just doing this to do it. That having been said I picked a topic that is never far from my mind and my heart: California.

I am a born and raised California girl living in Florida. I have been here 2 1/2 years now and it has been a continual challenge. You know how everyone says Californians are snobs because they think where they come from is better? Well, I have to admit I was (and probably still am) one of them. It was quite an adjustment moving here with the different produce, high tourism, lack of recycling programs, and that thick sloppy humidity that hits licks you like a dog's tongue the second you step outside. But there's some funny positives too: the Southern charminess people exude, fried okra, fried pickles, fried green tomatoes, fried . . .  you name it! That moss that slowly kills all trees but looks freaking cool while doing it.

In conclusion to this rather long introduction, I have decided to just talk about whatever the hell I feel like, but it most likely will relate to how different my beloved home state is from my current one, and what makes it, and me, Distinctly Californian.

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