Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Transformers 3 Warms My Heart

**Spoiler Alert** I will be talking about the plot and the ending of the movie, for those of you who want to kept in "suspense" as to how this movie ends (as if it's not fairly obvious), don't read on.

When I first saw the teaser trailer for Transformers: Dark of the Moon, I got the same goosebumps that I felt while watching the other two movies. There is something about the voice of Optimus Prime that always gets me. I should preface with the fact that as a child, I was a huge fan of the Transformers series and definitely owned Transformers the Movie on Betamax. I'm sure I also had some of those Autobot toys, but Optimus, of course, was my favorite. I think that is why, in these Transformer films, that hearing the voice of Peter Cullen (who has voiced Optimus then and now) and the same "transforming sound effects" from the series makes me grin like a little girl.

Therefore, I must admit that my enjoyment of these movies is probably (by "probably" I mean definitely) biased from my childhood love of the series.

However, I feel that anyone who sees this movie falls under one of these three categories: 1) They, like me, loved this series from their youth, 2) They somehow were dragged to the first two movies by a dork like me, and now are also hooked, or 3) They have little kids that love these movies and will grow up to be dorks like me.

For anyone out there still debating as to whether or not to see the new Transformers, I will highlight its best attributes. If you've already seen the first two movies and enjoyed those, I will tell you right now, it's in the same style and I'm sure you will love this one too.

This installment of Transformers starts similarly to the first two movies, explaining something important to the Autobots that we've never heard of before, showing were they are now with the gov't, and then flashing to Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBoeuf) and where he is in his life. Basically, Sam is out there trying to get a big boy job in the real world and is depressed that his valiant efforts in saving the world in the past mean nothing because he can't share them. He is joined by his hot new girlfriend, played by Rosie Huntington-Whiteley after Michael Bay fired Megan Fox, and some tiny Autobot pals that live with them in D.C. Long story short, Sam's rejoins the Autobots to save the world once more because the Decipticons are back with a new weapon. Same idea as before, different movie, but the important thing is how they executed it.

Sentinal Prime!

There are some great new actors in this one, Frances McDormand, Patrick Dempsey, John Malkovich, and (my favorite) Leonard Nimoy as the voice of Sentinel Prime! They even show a clip of Spock in Star Trek for those of us dorky enough to notice it. Of course some of the familiar human characters are back as well: the Witwicky parents, John Tuturro as the eccentric Simmons, and the hot military men played by Josh Duhamel and Tyrese Gibson. There are also some new Autobots, which always includes a couple comic relief bots that I think they throw in to make the kids laugh, and of course new Decepticons, battling over the similar concept of Freedom that the Autobots always fight for. This makes for a perfect July 4th movie, and I'm sure the July 1st opening timed it for that reason.

Decepticons attacking Chicago. So much action it pops out of my blog!

There are some great fight scenes throughout the film, with the culmination taking place in Chicago this time. The special effects are spectacular in this movie, and the last battle in Chicago was beautifully executed. Yes, this movie is 2 1/2 hours long, but the action sequences combined with the humor-filled plot and dialogue makes it go by quickly and keeps you entertained. I know a lot had to be explained, but they kept the story from being overwhelmed by keeping those scenes short. In a filled theater during opening weekend, there were quite a few times where the audience broke out into applause, moved in particular with the Autobots and their clear concept of right and wrong. No matter how the humans treat them (it always seems like our government gives them the shaft at some point) they still fight for us, and win.

In the current situations we face as a nation-the wars we are in, struggles with the economy, and huge political turbulence from opposing parties-it is this type of film that we need the most: an action film that suspends reality and keeps you rooting for the Good Guys that defend us. We need to laugh at the silly humor the characters employ, and applaud when the Autobots go on the attack. This movie warms my heart, not just because of my childhood memories, but how it makes those around me feel excited and proud that the Autobots would fight to defend and protect the human race, at all costs.

"You may lose faith in us, but never in yourselves." -Optimus Prime

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